Thursday, July 26, 2012

Federer's Olympics to lose!!

It would've sounded unreal and overtly optimistic a couple months back being a Federer fan and to make such a bold statement this Olympics. The veteran and arguably one of the greatest tennis players still has motivation and excitement entering his 4th Olympics, an unconquered territory even for someone who has accomplished everything in the tennis horizon in his celebrated career.

Eventhough the Olympics with regards to Tennis is a churned out version of the classics-The Slams, and the Masters, some call it a joke to have Tennis at Olympics with all the changes in rules and unconventional ways to pick the players for the tournament can be considered for debate in the future. But despite all this, the event provides an opportunity to represent their respective countries, the fact that 7-8 of the Nation's Flag-bearers are infact Tennis players makes the Games itself little more prestigious to have the Tennis. We do not know the future of Tennis in Olympics, over the years the Olympics have been trimmed and refitted to different events and the fact that tennis is relatively a baby in the scheme of things since its the 8th time compared to the legacy the Games boasts.

But the excitement among the players one would go to think the event as a Leap Year cousin of the Slams. I do not understand the points awarded for such a prestigious rare event would still be a rank lower than the Masters 1000-(olympics winner-750pts), but still the fact of representing their nations gives the josh to most of the players. I would rather consider it a Championship event for the yearly Davis Cup. It sounds about right.. Hehe I can't understand how I arrived that conclusion, nonetheless doesn't matter for an average tennis fan to have back to back elite tournaments till end of year championships. Unless of course you are a Rafa Fan.

Falling in Place:

But I wouldn't complain, Rafa has had his run and to have already won the event in Beijing is better than be snubbed of the event at all.

It was shock for all the tennis world when Roger lost in the quarter finals of '08 Olympics to Blake, many of the tennis enthusiasts began to rule out Federer's chances of an Olympic Gold, he did himself a world of good by winning the doubles Gold, a win he still treasures.

But it's not about it, for some reason or other explainable or not, he has fallen short of Glory at what is considered a Celebration of Sports-The Olympics.
I don't know how much an Olympic Gold will weigh in the debate of the GOAT(Greatest of all-time), I don't believe there is one for some reason, but still the debate must go on for the better of the sport.

What is at stack is for a fact, that this possibly is Federer's last Olympics,(let's not kid ourselves, even if he is on tour Rio '16, It would seem impossible to continue this form) and it is like a fairy tale for him to be entering the event at pristine form and back at the top of rankings where he deserves to be. And to be playing the Event at his beloved courts of Wimbledon is nothing short of Magical.

It feels like things are falling in place for him eventhough it's premature to say and the path to victory is going to take some effort, but the Roger I know likes some challenges. Eventhough Rafa fans would be disappointed, I believe Roger had a sigh of relief, that's not the right way to say it, but I guess that's how it's meant to be. I would've taken Roger winning Nadal in finals as even sweeter, it doesn't matter at this point, again I am getting far ahead of myself now.

At the same time to think of it as everything falling in place for Roger and he doesn't fare well, it's gonna be doubly disappointing, but the draw looks less dangerous, being at the top has paid off, all the tournaments he toiled after the heartbreaking USO semi is finally showing, can't take anything for granted though.

If Federer infact goes onto win the event, could very well be translated to be the 8th Wimbledon, it's the magic land for Roger, he's born to conquer it, hope the Olympics nightmares are evened out by the spirit of Wimbledon.

It's yours Roger, go take it, it will be fitting the wait after all.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Great Physicist

I like physicists, ok, now don't ask me if I like Physics, that's a tough question, but definitely I don't hate it as much as I hated Chemistry..

I am always fascinated by the fuzzy headed Einstein as would anyone else who cares or doesn't care for Physics, he has been part of our cultural history, cartoons, theories, in whatever form you would like we would have heard about him certainly, Not for nothing, he is the most influential person of the last century.

But that's not the point, I am here to convince that the Greatest Physicist was infact Jesus. I know he is our Creator and basically the father of Physics itself, but he made an amazing argument which took about 19 centuries later, which Einstein restated in another words and took the honors.

If you recall your Sunday school verses, In John Jesus 8:12 says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life"

Einstein's theory which I recall from my school days, the Mass, Length and Time, MLT the very definition of the Universe that we know of falls apart when something travels at the speed of light.

Light is a nightmare for a physicist, it took ages to define the phenomenon that is the Light, it was apparently said by Newton as a packets of Energy, and eventually was considered a Wave, and later considered had Electro-Magnetic properties. Finally, Einstein agreed to the idea of Light being quantas of Energy.

Heaven they say is far from the definitions of this Universe, the time-space has no purpose in the Spiritual world, and the Light is far from the definitions of this Universe and that light is infact Jesus, he walked on water, he came back alive after his crucifixion, he ascended into the heavens, he was a human, yet he was God.

There were two arguments about such as Light is a neither a particle nor a wave - Light is both a particle and a wave..

If Man with all his wisdom can't fathom that one thing that prevails so abundant in our own existence, how much more he will be silly in the eyes of God.

We try so hard, battered and bruised so much so we don't want to believe there is someone beyond our imaginations, who has total control of what we are, ofcourse when we make him the choice.

Jesus was beyond definitions, beyond imagination, beyond comprehension, yet he is concerned about each of us,

His Love is unprecedented, His Grace is unmatched and His Suffering undeserving.

He gave away his throne, 
And stayed on this world alone,
To Redeem what he had lost,
For he loved them the most.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Proud Dravid-ian

Just a tribute, no bragging of Records, what he meant to me, and millions of true Dravid-ians

This man needs no introduction, but sadly he does, for all what he has done over the years, he is always there considered right below the Sachin-Ponting-Lara-Kallis quartet and infact the most underrated player of this era, I believe he is second to none. He is best at what he is, being the Rahul Dravid

The Wall as he is mostly referred to is an irony to itself, to be on a cricket field, but I get it, he is the last thing that separates his team and his opponent team, infact those who can't face the opposition, take cover of him, and raised a cowardly generation of players, the blame is on him, but that now we can take comfort the players will erupt courageous atleast now. When he took guard on the field, he didn't just take guard - as the cricketing term would mean, but he took guard of the team he represented, every time.

The Jammy, the Wall or whatever he was, for me he is the Fort, a great refuge and the shelter where you can take comfort and get wasted away because you know it's under control when he is around, it's panic time when he walks out, literally

He is one of the most respected batsman who even commanded respect among his opponents, never been in a controversy, sledging, racism, drama - that is pretty much what drives in this generation of the sport. The last of the breed of gentlemen in the sport, all that was left of the classic cricket and no fancy, will be remembered for not just playing the sport, but with dignity.

I know for certain that if they ever make a cricketing text book or a video guide like a cricketing manual, I know who will be asked to demonstrate most of the batting strokes, yes I said it, he is the technically most sound and clean batsman that there ever was, infact I have never seen him play a rash stroke, unorthodox or silly - A purist if i can call him so. To be simply put, It ain't in the text book, If he hasn't played it!

And also pretty certain about the fact that all the skilled modern batsmen will be measured against him, the benchmark, the standard if you will. And as he was always known to give a price tag to his wicket, he brought the 'if you want my wicket, you better deserve it, because I am not going to make it easy for u' attitude every time he walked onto the pitch.

He was a sadist to the bowlers, who toiled hard in hot humid conditions, difficult pitches, he would basically suck everything out of them until they are left for submission and gradually he will be going on with his business getting the runs even without being noticed. - He knew only one way to play it, unselfish, not even sure if that's a word - but i hope you get what i meant there, he was there to give it all whatever he had to offer, even had to dance to the tunes of the puppet masters the BCCI, the coach and the various Captains he played under.

He is a man for all seasons, has donned all roles, being a team man suits him the best though, makes him more satisfied nonetheless, he doesn't complain, he would do anything to just be a part of the team and with utmost sincerity, afterall the pitch is his sacred place and he is devoted to the game itself - infact has produced a new role in the cricket, the breed that which can categorise the hussey, trott, amla, cook of the now, if you have the technique you have no limits, you can adapt any format kind. He is a true inspiration and testament to all those who still believe in the sport and not be lured by the cheerleaders and slam-bang culture that is the very idea for entertainment than the sport as a sport, the legacy.

Many fail to acknowledge his role in the limited-overs format of the game, he is infact in the elite club of 10K runs, not to make it statistical in any way, if anyone be sane would be knowing that he has been part of the two historic biggest partnerships with Sachin and Ganguly (talking more about it only would be bragging that is not very much RD-like), he is always the common denominator for the success - the secret ingredient.

He is graceful in defeat, gracious in win and the saving grace in a draw. Good for him he never had an avid fan following, to get distracted, a master never likes the attention when he is at work, and when he is done, all he leaves us with is an feeling of awe. Always had his heart at the right place, never got carried away with all the changes around him, kept his head straight throughout his career, how many in the current scenario can challenge him on that.

He always brings in the undeterrable spirit, passion like no other, a will and determination with his game, and what makes him the warrior I salute is that he is unwilling to submit, not afraid to fail, but will not go down with a fight, that's what makes him the hero, not the macho flashy strokes.

The nice guy he was, he was always taken for granted, had to fill in for wicket-keeper in the ODIs, as opener in Tests, and even didn't show the unwilling face when he was asked to play in a T20 in dying stages of his career When no one else was upto it. For he can take it, he is RD, a true gentleman, the only one left.

Be it the curse of the Gillete, that all of its brand ambassadors (Tiger Woods, Federer, Thierry Henry, Dravid) had to go through a lean phase after the famous commercial, he had redeemed himself just prior to his retirement though, made a statement why he is the very best at what he does when he was the only one who was between Ind getting whitewashed by Eng, but his efforts were not good enough to even salvage some pride - Truly he left a mark that series why he is so different from everyone else, made the message clearly written on the wall, when no one else can, Rahul Dravid can.

The crisis man, the goto person when you have no hope, if i ever had to bet my life on someone on a cricket field, it would have to be this guy, because I know only he can handle it, even the greatest of the greatest or so who are being proclaimed (statisticians, fanboys who will claim so) I won't bet on.

I am so proud and happy that I have seen him once but hate myself for not to have taken an autograph from him, well i was too young and hard to fend off our school seniors towering a feet over us ( me and my friends ofcourse ), he was gracious enough that day to wait and sign a few autograph and can't forget he spoke few words in tamil that he would sign us if we wud line up properly, so graceful on and off the field, i still hate that Ganguly and Sachin ignored us that day.

He left the sport unharmed, just the way it was when he walked in, only leaving with pride of being part of it, but the sport will never be the same for he has changed it forever, for the better. He was taught to preserve the game, and he did his part very well infact.

I better not start on his commitment and sportsmanship. phew..

I was very fond as a kid of his square cuts, eventhough he was not known for powerful strokes, his square cuts looked manly and elegant at the same time, and can’t forget the Hook Hook advertisements on the Telly. Also was fascinated about his inner gloves, I don’t see anyone else wear that, so unique and trademark RD.

He was more often than not treated like a cheap hooker, but he went on to do his business like a true professional, he may have left with his destiny alongwith him, but he can't erase the footmarks he has left, the legend. Someday, those footsteps will be the inspiration for many..

But truly he will be missed, not today, not tomorrow, when the score is 3/1 at the end of second over and when the team would look upto someone to consolidate the innings, he is best at what he is, being the Rahul Dravid.

The Jammy, the Wall or whatever he was, for me he is

The forgotten, the Unheralded, unprecedented Gem of cricket, O! I am at loss of words

This is from a fan's perspective, I am not a writer, sports analyst or anything. Just wanted to share my Tribute to my Favourite player, for I believed in everything he did, because he is so genuine personality, and I take so much pride to be a fan, a Dravid-ian, because he is that much more special.

I have read quite a few tributes and comments on RD since his retirement, this is my very own, might seem meaningless at this point, but it took me sometime for the feeling to settle in and take courage to write it, or in other words can say I was being lazy..

Monday, December 12, 2011

Federer - what holds for him the next season

It was unbelievable to see the Federer of the past last week when he mauled everyone to his title defense at O2 claiming his 6th Tour Finals

Personally being a huge fan I could be completely biased about this, but can't stop me from being excited about what is at stack for Roger next season and also the Gotham City with the Nolan's Dark knight Rises release next summer, hehe.. m getting carried away there.

Ofcourse the priority would be the Grandslams.. Would be interesting to see if he can translate his year end form into the next season. It was interesting to notice even through a what might be considered a poor year for him by his standards, have to be fair to him that he lost few close battles and definitely his French open show was the best as far as Grand slams were concerned this season.. Just not meant to was the USOpen match against Djokovic..

But the bigger picture is he would be excited about 2 stuff next year.. Yes I am gonna say it Olympics and the Davis Cup. As we know it won't all a cakewalk for the Swiss team in the Davis Cup.. Realistically he has better chance at winning the olympics gold than making his country lift the Davis cup.

Again once the season is underway there will be lot of guys pushing themselves for the elite once-in-four-year event, but Federer having won almost everything is chasing that one thing that has eluded him, the Olympics singles Gold.. He knows the value of it and I know he is going to push it hard at that event irrespective of the results in the Grand slams.

Still federer is one short of Sampras' record 7 Wimbledon, not sure if Roger can go on to beat that record especially after seeing him to fail racking semis last couple of years. But for sure he will be looking to equal his Idol pistol Pete's 7 at SW19..

As a fan, I wish he wins every tournament he turns up next season, but that would be greedy from my part and to deprive the sport itself the excitement

First Up it's going to be interesting how the beginning of the season is going to be.. All I can say is 'All the best to Roger' and all his dear-most fans ahead of a great new season.

Christmas Greetings!!

Federer claimed his 1st Paris title

Federer claimed his 1st Paris title with a 6-1,7-6(3) victory over Tsonga. 18 Masters 1000 crowns and 69 Career titles.

King of GrandSlams, from twitter!/GoRogerFederer

For all Federer fans, this is must check out blog, nice

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Bloom Box: An Energy Breakthrough?

By CBSNews

In the world of energy, the Holy Grail is a power source that's inexpensive and clean, with no emissions. Well over 100 start-ups in Silicon Valley are working on it, and one of them, Bloom Energy, is about to make public its invention: a little power plant-in-a-box they want to put literally in your backyard.

You'll generate your own electricity with the box and it'll be wireless. The idea is to one day replace the big power plants and transmission line grid, the way the laptop moved in on the desktop and cell phones supplanted landlines.

It has a lot of smart people believing and buzzing, even though the company has been unusually secretive - until now.

K.R. Sridhar invited "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl for a first look at the innards of the Bloom box that he has been toiling on for nearly a decade.

Looking at one of the boxes, Sridhar told Stahl it could power an average U.S. home.

"The way we make it is in two blocks. This is a European home. The two put together is a U.S. home," he explained.

"'Cause we use twice as much energy, is that what you're saying?" Stahl asked.

"Yeah, and this'll power four Asian homes," he replied.

"So four homes in India, your native country?" Stahl asked.

"Four to six homes in our country," Sridhar replied.

"It sounds awfully dazzling," Stahl remarked.

"It is real. It works," he replied.


For further more, read the actual article:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

RIP Jobs. didn't expect it will all happen so fast!

From: jason donald
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM
Subject: RIP Jobs. didn't expect it will all happen so fast!

Checked the news headlines, what happens to apple after jobs. I thought why are they still crying over his leaving apple (especially after the 4S release). Didn't expect it meant otherwise. Disbelief! for even someone who doesn't call himself big fan of Apple products.

Not to forget he was the founder of Pixar and first studio to make 3d animation feature films, till date the best animation co. and they are the benchmark for every other, and i don't have to say about Apple Co. But beyond loss for Apple the Co. this is a loss for his fans, for so many you are the role model. One of the most influential people in the last decade. Wherever you went, you didn't leave without your footmark.

For the Tech-savvys, this is the bookmark, the Before-Jobs/After-Jobs in their timeline!

You have made us hear music anywhere we want,
you have made us watch everything we would like on the go,
you have made us play with the angry birds,
you have not only made us hear, see, speak but touch everything,
to touch what we hear, to touch what we see, to touch what we speak,
reminds me of good old sci-fi, its like you're the sci-fi on demand,
you make it real what Steven Spielberg or Kubrick show us on screen.
you make it real what we dream of, and give us a reason to dream.

It's just crazy that you have spoiled us for good!

Whatever you have done, you have touched a millions of people, who inturn got to touch their iPods, iPhones, and iPads. A true Visionary, a legend and the trendsetter, you have changed things the way it's done, you have brought every other big corps on their knees, You did fall, you did rise, and you did conquer! Inspiring as your story is, it does baffle us, and there's a big void still, and I hope its not filled, for it is meant to be only missed.

You Came, You Conquered and You Left!

The burning Q will be 'Now What!'

Condolences to friends and family,
All the best to Apple!